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Digitally transform your business
Process Automation
Optimize expense

TONOP for agribusiness

The emergence of automated systems capable of processing large amounts of data allows agribusinesses, farmers and anyone involved in the wholesale trade of grain or sunflower oil to reach a new level of their development. When it comes to the digital transformation of agribusiness, tools to automate and predict business processes come to the fore.

The TONOP program makes it possible to forecast yield, calculate anticipated demand, and minimize storage and transportation costs. Importantly, the program is able to handle information that often comes from technologically incompatible devices. Process modeling allows TONOP to plan yields and optimize land-use parameters. For this purpose, data is entered on the yield of past years in the context of grain and oilseed crops, weather conditions, models of machinery used for tillage and harvesting. If the user updates or adds information, TONOP automatically recalculates and changes all figures.
A special TONOP module is configured to collect accurate data on soil conditions and the amount of fertilizer to be applied. All data (on crops, suppliers, sales) is automatically collected in a single database for storage and processing, part of the information is stored in the cloud.
On the basis of regularly updated data TONOP builds analytical reports, which allow forecasting yields, determining types of crops, methods of planting, types of fertilizers and time of harvest of cereals and oilseeds. Reporting in the form of graphs, dashboards and charts helps you track trends. Data (both current and historical) on precipitation, soil moisture and other factors affecting yield are downloaded from available and verified sources.
Using special modules built into the program, it is possible to evaluate the current and desired state of the serviced machinery and equipment, to bring together all the information and to analyze it. For planning and forecasting processes in TONOP it is possible to include synchronization of the activities of all departments of the enterprise (from repair to logistics).

For technical enterprises that have an extensive and complex network for repair, adjustment and maintenance of equipment, TONOP allows you to create a unified system of working with data, and in the future offers to switch to its cloud version. The calculation of maintenance costs is based on the data obtained from the common system. It takes into account the market and wholesale prices of spare parts, their availability at suppliers and delivery logistics. Information is continually updated for seasonality and country of manufacture. Equipment status is monitored with built-in analytics, reports and dashboards.
TONOP analyzes current prices for equipment maintenance, history of repairs. This makes it possible to coordinate the indicators of the condition of the equipment being serviced and to forecast the demand.

The program builds analytics of new requests, analyzes equipment maintenance history and compares its current state with equipment with similar parameters and technical characteristics. CRM-system implementation leads to profit increase, because it enables to use powerful analytical apparatus of the program and to personalize testing processes.

For preventive maintenance it is possible to connect the module and real-time data collection sensors. The demand for spare parts is usually inconsistent. When planning spare parts requirements, TONOP calculates and enters special equipment utilization factors. The information collected is processed instantly and displayed on dashboards.

TONOP for equipment

TONOP for the textile products

TONOP has proven to be a powerful tool for automating repetitive tasks and business operations in textile sales. It is used to conduct market research, forecast demand, and optimize warehouse operations.

Unified accounting system, database and CRM-system allows you to maintain customer loyalty, predict sales, account for seasonality.

The program provides clear and accurate analytics, saves time and energy of performers, reduces costs and increases profits of the enterprise.

Components integrated in the program allow to clearly calculate unique commodity items, to form batches individually and on demand. This helps reduce inventory costs and optimize the entire supply chain. Based on automated data on batch size, stock, models, and trends, TONOP generates orders for personalized on-demand apparel production (AOD).
TONOP simplifies the whole process of work with the order - from its calculation and design to the search of the manufacturing factory and production of the final product. The user-friendly interface allows you to find similar orders, modify data, perform analysis and connect an unlimited number of warehouses, stores and retail outlets.

Special modules allow the search of articles, textiles modifications, price management, discounts and stock monitoring.
Thus, the use of the TONOP program helps to combine disparate data into an integral analytical system, increases the level of income of the enterprise and increases the efficiency of resource utilization.
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