Quality of base is more important than size Even perfect subscriber databases become obsolete. The number of subscribers and the size of the database are not as important as its quality. Working with addresses and recipients is an ongoing process that requires attention and effort. The effectiveness of the entire email marketing campaign depends on the quality of the database. Important! Users must agree to the use of their data and information. This is not only a legal requirement, but also an important aspect of building trust between seller and buyer. It should be as easy to unsubscribe from a newsletter as it is to subscribe.
Segmentation Segmentation is data-driven. The basis for relevant messaging is interests, demographics and user behaviour. The customer base can be segmented based on several parameters.
1. By customer characteristics:
- For shops: by clothing size
- for children: by the child's age
- for cafes and restaurants: favourite drink/order size
2. By life cycle:
- New: entered the database but have not made a purchase for A months
- Active: order once in B months
- passive: haven't made a purchase in C months
3. By behavioural attributes:
- Which products they interacted with on the site
- Which emails have been opened
- Which products were bought
Even if you only have first name, last name and date of birth, you can segment the data by gender, age and date of entry into the database. Once you've identified the size and segments of your database, you'll need to define the goals of your mailing list and decide what kind of emails and content you want to send.
Sales emailsSales emails are designed to drive sales. They can include special offers, discounts, promotions and calls to action (CTAs). Their purpose is to motivate recipients to make a purchase. Sales letters can be used to promote new products, sales promotions and seasonal sales. They are used to draw attention to special events and promotions. It is recommended to send sales letters no more than once a month or 3-5 days before the start of a promotion.