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Omnicanality and business

Every time a potential customer sees an ad for your product, reads an email or visits your website, they are going through what are called 'touchpoints'. They are on their way to making a decision. 80% of sales happen between the 8th and 12th touchpoint.

The effectiveness of traditional direct mail is difficult to measure. How do you know how effective it is? How do you link promotions to an email newsletter? What influences and triggers a buyer's decision? Tracking mailing attribution across multiple interaction points is helped by the TONOP programme.

TON OP doo ltd uses an omnichannel marketing approach that allows ads to be shown to the same audience on multiple platforms after an email newsletter has been sent to them.
Unlike a multichannel approach, where the audience may see different messages on different platforms, an omnichannel strategy is like sending reminders: the user is exposed to the same message, but in different places. This mix of channels allows you to build a unified system of communication with the customer.

Omnichannel in retail and dropshipping helps:
  • Increase customer lifetime value (CLV)
  • Reach new audiences
  • Improve operational efficiency
  • Increase market share
  • Analyse existing channels
Omni-channel marketing is a relatively new phenomenon, a strategy that integrates different channels of communication with consumers into a single system.

Implementing omni-channel into business processes requires a systematic approach. The first step is to assess the channels you already use in your business to interact with customers. This could be a website, social media, email, messengers. Identify which stage of the sales funnel is generating the most leads: awareness, decision, purchase. You also need to identify which channel is underperforming.
Customer Journey Map (CJM)
Develop a detailed Customer Journey Map (CJM) for each segment of your target audience. The CJM helps you better understand how customers interact with your organisation across channels at different stages of the purchase or service journey. Based on the CJM data, you can determine which channels and tools best meet customer needs at each stage.

Create a plan and measure effectiveness
Based on the analysis and CJM data, create a detailed channel plan. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) for each channel and stage of the funnel. The easiest ones to track are sales conversion, average cheque, ROI. Implement a tracking and analysis system that allows you to measure the effectiveness of each channel and the combined impact.
Estimate the combined influence of channels
You can use attribution to estimate the combined influence of channels. Attribution allows you to determine which channels and stages influence a customer's final purchase decision.

To understand which channels play the biggest role in conversion, consider attribution: linear, last channel and positional, among others. By integrating your CRM system with analytics systems, you can track the customer journey from first contact to purchase and back again.

Which online channels are worth implementing
Channels to promote an omnichannel strategy are chosen based on the target audience, business model and resources. It is important to create a harmonious and coherent system of interaction between these channels.

The website and mobile app should be the foundation of the omnichannel strategy. They are also used to collect customer data.

Social media allows you to interact with customers, share information and run promotional campaigns. Choose social platforms where your target audience is.

Messengers such as WhatsApp, Facebook and others are becoming increasingly popular communication channels.

Content marketing is all about creating useful content (articles, videos, infographics) that will be of interest to your audience. It influences the popularity of resources, improves visibility in search engines and attracts new customers.

Email marketing is a classic retargeting channel. Mailings can be used to persuade customers to make a purchase: informing them of discounts and promotions, sending promo codes and special offers on products they have recently been interested in.

SMS marketing can be useful for sending short notifications and reminders to customers, especially if your audience prefers text messages.

And, of course, any omnichannel strategy takes full advantage of standard offline interactions: offline sales, print promotions, trade shows.

TONOP Software Solution
The TONOP software solution increases the tracking and effectiveness of email newsletters and uses a retargeting strategy similar to Google's contextual media network. It enables digital advertising from different channels to be synchronised. Email newsletter users also see the company's ads in their Facebook and Instagram news feeds. It is important to remember that the omnichannel approach is an ongoing process. Once implemented, you need to regularly analyse data, optimise channels and monitor changes in customer behaviour.
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