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Value Proposition. How to Map Customer Empathy

‘The Character Method describes the logic of customer behaviour. We are not talking about the target audience, which we habitually divide by age, gender, income and place of residence. We set up advertising campaigns according to these characteristics, and create content for them. We do not talk about the ‘portrait of the client’ and his motivation to buy.

The ‘character method’ allows us to go beyond demographic characteristics, creating a detailed portrait of a typical consumer: to learn about their needs, fears and problems, attitudes towards the company's goods and services, and obstacles on the way to making a purchase.
‘Character Method.’
The client is a person with desires and emotions. A person's behaviour is dictated by the context of the situation. All people are different, but in certain situations their motives and logic of behaviour coincide. Instead of the standard: ‘male/female, age from 18 to 40, lives in a city/location’, the ‘character method’ uses not only standard statistical data. The basis of the method is characteristic personality traits, motivations, goals and problems that customers may face. As a result, all commercial proposals, advertising creatives, and the product itself are developed on the basis of emotional reactions of the consumer.

This method helps the company to understand its own, albeit imaginary, customer. This approach enhances empathy and enables the creation of targeted and personalised business, marketing, sales and service strategies.

The next step is to gather all the data from this research together, visualise it and evaluate it. This is where a customer empathy map comes in handy.

TON OP doo ltd methodology
TON OP company specialises in optimising sales-related processes (for retail, dropshipping, online and distance selling). The TONOP toolkit analyses user behaviour. We use unique identifiers and helps to integrate data from a specific customer profile into accounting and CRM programmes. Allows conversion and attachment of specific transaction or event data.

Customer Empathy Map
The Customer Empathy Map is a powerful tool for assessing and visualising typical representatives of potential customers. It visually shows what bothers and pleases the customer, what he/she strives for, how he/she makes a purchase decision, what factors in the choice are prioritised for him/her. It is a kind of map of the user's movement: from the moment of the first contact to a repeat sale. The more thoroughly at the stage of preparation all possible steps and ‘touches’ of the client with the product will be thought out, the easier it will be to evaluate the result of sales and calculate the conversion rate at each stage of the funnel.

A simplified version of the customer empathy map consists of 5 blocks of ‘what the customer feels, says, thinks, does, sees and hears, pains.

How the customer feels
The main task of this block is to convey the thoughts and feelings of the customer. Determine what emotions he or she feels when buying a product, what he or she is thinking about and striving for. Try to imagine what he cares about and what is really important to him.

Emotions. Emotional states and reactions of the client in different situations. It can be satisfaction, disappointment, joy, stress.

Experience. Assess the client's experience. When he faced a similar choice, product, service. His satisfaction, disappointment.
What the customer says
Shift the focus to the specific actions of the customer: what they do today, how they behave in their community and family, how they make decisions, what they say about the product

Direct statements. Here it is important to capture the words and phrases that the customer says when describing the product. These can be comments, feedback, questions or complaints.

Key Statements. Identify the key themes and terms the customer uses when describing the product or service. How the customer describes their experience.
What the client thinks
It's a huge mistake to put yourself in your customer's shoes. To understand the logic of the buyer conduct surveys, analyse reviews, observe what people say and how they feel.

Thoughts. Analysing the customer's internal thoughts about the product: expectations, fears, doubts, hopes and any other thoughts that may influence the purchase decision.

Motivations. Determine what motivates the customer. What are his goals, what does he want to achieve? What are the problems he wants to solve. Why does he want your product? What is behind his solution?

What the customer does
Describe specific actions: why the customer buys the product, how and when he thinks about buying. How he comes to a decision, what he does after he has made the final decision.

Actions. You need to understand step-by-step how the customer comes to the decision to buy, what they do during the buying process, how they use the product in their everyday life.

Behaviour: Study the customer's behavioural characteristics such as preferences, habits and reactions to certain situations.

What the client sees and hears
The section allows you to better understand which audio aspects catch the customer's attention and which visuals influence their perception and purchase decision. This can be: adverts, website information, testimonials and videos.

What surrounds the customer? What kind of environment is he/she in? What is he watching and reading? Does his environment use your product or service? What does he or she focus on when making a final choice?

Information. Find out what information the consumer may know about your product or service from different sources: social media, print media, friends and family.

Media Channels. Determine which media channels have a real impact on him and which ones don't.

The client's ‘pains.’
Observe the client and constantly analyse, TON OP managers recommend. What questions does he ask? What does he clarify? Find out about his bad experiences. What is he afraid of?

These are the fears and problems the customer faces. Think about what risks he is taking, what he is afraid of, what is stopping him from buying the product. Perhaps he is disappointed in the product or doesn't want to be disappointed.
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